Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2010

Engine Offices Design by Jump Studios

Engine Offices Design by Jump Studios

London-based designers Jump Studios have designed the interior of a new London office for communications group Engine. The interior includes circular ’seating pods’ made from corian and a room covered entirely in cork.

With 12 different companies operating under the Engine umbrella, the challenge was to create a space that would appeal to a broad range of tastes while respecting and upholding the individual brand identities.

Engine Offices Interior by Jump Studios

We had to cater for a spectrum of cultures,’ says Jump director Simon Jordan of the £3.5 million project. ‘That ranged from your typical creative young ad agency through to political lobbyists who would be horrified to think that someone might come to work in a pair of trainers. We had to think of a common language that each and every one of those companies could identify with.’

Part of Engine’s appeal is that clients can opt for multilateral or unilateral engagement with the various partner companies, which meant that Jump Studios had to provide for group working as well as satisfying each of the companies individual requirements.

Engine Offices Design by Jump Studios

The five-storey building accommodates twelve companies under the engine brand.

The communal areas are where clients and staff are confronted with the Engine group as a single entity and this is where we had to reflect what we called the Engine DNA,’ says project architect, Markus Nonn

Engine Offices by Jump Studios

Clients can opt for multilateral or unilateral engagement with the different Engine companies, which meant for group working areas between companies as well as for each company individual requirements.

Engine Offices Design by Jump Studios

The communal areas reflect the Engine DNA while working floors were kept reasonably generic to allow for the personalisation of space. This idea is most clearly manifest in a series of perfectly formed, striking elements that run through the building as a kind of backbone that effectively link the ground floor to fifth

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